We’re told to do
the hard work:
push, hustle, grind...
...but what happens when your will power is shot, your energy is depleted, and you don’t have the support you need?
You fall back into the same old patterns that kept you stuck in the first place!
You're ready to change your life, for things to be different, and to feel better...
...but you're not sure where to start?
I've got you.
Do you find yourself feeling...
stuck or like you're just going through the motions?
like you should have more will power?
like there are never enough hours in the day and you're too busy to take on anything new?
tired of "quick fix" mentalities where you start and stop constantly and think you're failing?
sick of watching other people thrive wishing it were you?
like you NEED something to change, but you're not sure where to start?
This program is for you if you're ready to...
gain clarity in what you want
feel in control of your life
manage your time well
create real, lasting habits
stop comparing and appreciate what you have
take action toward the life you want
Our hard work only takes us so far
if we haven't done the
HEART work!
Join my Heart Work Course to create real, lasting change!
You'll receive:
Heart Work Curriculum
Week 1: Get clear on your goals
Week 2: Define your why
Week 3: All about Meditation
Week 4: Practicing Gratitude
Week 5: Overcoming Blocks/Limiting beliefs & creating Affirmations
Week 6: Making it a Lifestyle
Heart Work Workbook: exercises, journal prompts, affirmations
"Because of Lauren, I have a routine that's working for me, have learned how powerful a positive mindset can be, and I am confident and happy. Because of her support and believing in me, I now dream bigger than I ever have in my life."

"[I was] surprised that tears came up with the realizations I had! So powerful!!"

Lauren's Story
I was someone SO skeptical of mindset work before it changed my life. When I thought of personal development, I had the image of a woman in a book store, sobbing in the self help section. I didn't want to be that woman... But a few years ago, I found myself burnt out in every way. I was working 12 hour shifts in the hospital as a nurse, in full time graduate school to become a nurse practitioner, and was still breastfeeding my 1 year old daughter. I was spread thin, exhausted, stressed out, and my relationships were strained. I NEEDED something to change.
So I listened to an audiobook (you know I didn't have the time to sit and read, let's be real). Then I listened to podcasts. And then more books. And then I went on to find any and every training I could-- I was hooked! I felt like my world opened up. I felt empowered. I came to realize I was responsible for my happiness, my success, my relationships, and every part of my life. If I could get myself to a place that was so far from what I wanted, then I could get myself out! Mindset training and the habits I learned transformed me from the inside out.
I now feel JOY and PURPOSE every day. I am confident in my routines. I work part-time hours and spend time with my family.
I have a community of women to pour into and LOVE the work I do. I want this for you too! I want to pay forward what I've learned. I don't want it to take years. I want you to have these tools NOW so you can live a life you love!!