Working full time as a nurse practitioner with 3 young children can feel overwhelming... Before getting out the door to work, I breastfeed my 1 year old, change her diaper, get her dressed ; help my pre-school and elementary age daughters get dressed and ready for the day ; pack lunches ; get the children breakfast ; walk my oldest daughter to the bus stop ; drop my middle daughter off at pre-school. Oh yeah, and get myself ready. And then all of a sudden work has started and patients and family members need me. There are so many decisions to make to take great care of others.
The school work, afterschool activities, breastfeeding and everything that goes along with that (full-time job in itself) ; wanting to be fully present with the kiddos and engage with them ; connecting with your partner and prioritizing that relationship...
Then there is all of the professional items and emotional burden that comes with working in healthcare...trying to leave that at work at the end of the day is a challenge.
And then your personal health--mental and physical--where do you fit in time to eat well and exercise and manage the anxiety and overwhelm of it all?
We take care of so many people and things all day every day... but who is taking care of YOU?
You hear constantly to practice self care, but with what time? We don't have hours in the morning and evening to do elaborate routines that you see others doing. Online, you see the perfectly clean and decorated homes, the intricate activities for children, involved healthy recipes, and advice that makes your eyes roll because "who has the time and energy for all of that?!?" I find myself screaming internally. Can you relate?
Over the years I have learned to ditch an all or nothing mentality. I have learned to stop comparing myself to others. I have learned to listen to my own needs again and honor them. I have overcome anxiety and depression--in some seasons needing medication, and now thankfully managing without. I have navigated heavy seasons of stress, loss, and overwhelm. Showing up for yourself and others is beyond challenging when a loved one is hospitalized, receives a new diagnosis, or passes away. I have been deeply in the heavy and hard seasons of life, and I'm here to tell you it is possible to continue to care for yourself and feel joy, inspiration, and wellbeing through it all.
You can continue to set goals, move forward, and grow. You can be the woman you have always wanted to be.... but no one is going to force you to show up for this. No one is going to chase you down and make you invest in yourself, your health, and your future.
Let this be your sign that now is the time to make the changes you say you want to make.
This can be the season where you find balance in motherhood and your professional role.
Learn from someone who is in the high stress environment and knows how to navigate it. Let's make a plan together that is realistic for you and your full life!
Where could you be in 6 weeks if you had someone keeping you motivated, cheering you on, offering support, and helping you implement new habits and patterns?
How good could it get?
Imagine by the holiday season having a sense of joy, fulfillment, calm, peace, and confidence?
Imagine balancing your daily activities with your own needs, knowing exactly how to fit in both your responsibilities and sources of joy, purpose, and passion.
Imagine be clear on your goals and what your version of success is for the current season you're in.
Imagine instead of just day dreaming about what life could be like--actually living that dream day to day.
You can learn to thrive, inside and out. You can thrive in your personal and professional life. You can thrive in your time and your finances. It is all possible, and I am looking for 10 women who want to go through this process with me in October.
Details available here: Thriving Healthcare Mama
